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28 Candles

Updated: Dec 10, 2023

28 years around the sun. For some, that is a lot, for others, that's a blink in time. For me, though, I've found myself feeling extra grateful this year.

Many things happened this year, but I think my biggest takeaway is how much I improved my health. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos early this year and from then on really decided to take charge of my health. I found a great holistic practioner that put me on a regime to create the best version of myself. Though I still have a long ways to go, I feel so much better and in control of my body and my health. I plan to do a blog post soon on all things Hashimotos.

Food is addicting, being in a certain lifestyle is addicting, and changing those things can be hard and expensive. I knew this past year I really wanted to start creating a cleaner and healthier lifestyle. But I had no idea where to start. I plan to start sharing more of my journey soon and the baby steps I took one at a time to get to where I am now.

The second biggest leap I took during the past year was starting Pure Living Co! It is a true labor of love and it's really intimidating putting yourself out for the world to see. I'm typically a pretty private, independant type of gal so this was a change, but a welcomed change for me. I have found a creative outlet, a way to connect with those I haven't before, and hopefully in the process of being a great resource for those wanting to live a cleaner, healthier lifestyle.... and those who need some decorating tips! I have some fun things coming for content as we approach the new year and hopefully creating the healthiest versions of ourselves.

We also traveled a TON this year. We don't take for granted how blessed we are to be able to go on trips and experience the world. My husband and I have always loved to travel and really try our best to explore different parts of the world. I've been toying with the idea of creating itineraries for the places we've gone in the past and recommendations, I would love to get feedback on if that would be valuable or not! Also, my mom deserves a shoutout for being the best "Grammie" to Reese and watching her every time we go somewhere!

This year we had the opportunity to visit the Domincan Republic as a reward from my company.

We got to celebrate our friends getting married in Mexico in July!

My annual girls trip with my college/forever best friends in Colorado.

Visited our friends in California and hit up Napa Valley!

And we aren't finished yet. We are blessed to be taking a trip with Ridges family to Breckenridge, CO in a few weeks to ski!

Truthfully though, the best moments were the mundane memories that really remind you you're in "the good ole days".

How could I forget, we went ski diving!!!!

Blanket forts at grandmas, could there be anything more fun?

A homemade cherry chip birthday cake for my grandpa!

This is where I spend most of my time. My favorite past time.

I never want to forget that every day when dad gets home from work they have a sweet cuddle sesh.

Another baby bestie was born, love all my babies my friends bless us with!

If you've made it this far, kudos to you! This is the first "personal" post I've shared but I want to make sure and remember these moments forever. The good, the bad, the every day, the living.

More to come!


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